Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, 30 July 2012


1 baby + 1 corn Chip + 1 cat = one bald spot on the cat.

James ate a corn chip. Decides he wanted to share a pre chewed corn chip with the cat so he matted it into her fur!! The only was to get it out was to cut the matted fur out.

Yup the cat was not amused.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Daycare for James

We are so blessed that James gets the best of both worlds when it comes to daycare.

James goes to a home daycare.  There are 3 other kids there aged 2, 3, and 4 so he gets to socialize with other kids.  We have watched him blossom while in care.  He is much more vocal and his crawling speed has tripled!  To see him playing with the older kids is amazing.  He studies them, watching their every move.  When they are kicking the ball around he crawls around after them trying to take part too.

We are very lucky that we were able to find a daycare that will work the Mark's schedule, so he only goes to daycare 12 days a month.  The rest of the time he gets to hang at home with Daddy!  They get to bond and have Daddy son time!  Last week they went to Fort York together, they go for long walks and play trucks.

I am so glad that Mark gets that one on one time with him.  I had that for a year while I was off work, now it is his turn to be able to have that bonding time!

Daddy and Me Hiking

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Thank You

A big thank you goes out to all our friends and family members that donated to The Labbatt Family Heart Center at Sick Kids for James' Birthday! the donations were dropped off yesterday and I am sure they will put the funds to good use!!!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

raising a child in this crazy world

Mark and I struggle to raise James in a world where it seems like it is all about consumerism and who has the biggest and best "stuff".

One thing we have tried to do already is show him that there is more to life then just "stuff".  At Christmas I got him to help pick out gifts for the toy drive, okay sure he was 5 months old and had NO IDEA what Mummy was making him do, but the thought was if we start him early and make it part of every year then it will be something we just do.

We have also been attending the Church that I have attended for many year.  Those of you that know Mark maybe shocked to hear that he is attending Church.  But he agrees that the Church we have selected is very uplifting and focuses a lot on the family and building better communities!

Last night was Inspirational Music in the Park. Two groups from the Church were singing last night, so we took James after work, for a picnic dinner and then listened to some great music while James got to play with the other kids!

It was a great night to just spend time with family and friends!

Here is James in his little chair waiting for the music to start!

Music in the park

Friday, 13 July 2012

One Year old!

Our Sweet Baby James has made it One Year Old!! I am going to try and update this blog more often, but for now here is his first birthday Video!
