Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Our Pre-op Day

Wow that was a long day!!!

We had to arrive at the hospital at 7:30 a.m. Thank GOD for Tim Hortons in the hospital. Poor James had to be put into an x-ray tube, let me tell you he was not a happy Camper, DH could hear him screaming out in the waiting area. Poor little monkey was stuffed into something like this

Image from

Then we headed up to the Cardiac Unit to meet with our Pre-op Nurse. We had to fill out paperwork on James' History. The form we had to fill out is used for all patients from age 0 to age 18. I had a little chuckle when I answered the question "Does your child smoke" and Could you child be Pregnant.

We met with a surgical fellow who explained everything they would be doing. We met the surgeon who went over everything again and answered all the questions that had come up after talking to the fellow.

We then met the anesthesiologist who we LOVED!! But this is where I started to break down. The part of the whole surgery day that scares me the most is having to hand James over to the surgical team. We found out today that from the time we hand him over to the time he is asleep is only going to be 5 - 10 minutes which made me feel so much better!! I was afraid he was going to be awake and without us for longer.

We then found out the Pre-op blood work we did a few weeks ago need to be re-done because it contained blood clots. So back down to the outpatient lab we went.

After the blood work we met back up with the Nurse and took a tour of the unit James is staying on, and went over everything we need to pack, what to expect. They showed us pictures of what James is going to look like with all the tubes and wires.

So now all we have to do is wait and avoid germs for the next 2 weeks.

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