Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, 5 December 2011

He is out of surgery

James I out of surgery

He still has a breathing tube in, hopefully it will come out tonight.

It was the best outcome possible

Thank you all for the prayers and old thoughts. They were heard!!!


  1. That is GREAT news

  2. The tubes are the scary part of seeing anyone post heart surgery but they will be out soon & you will have a healthy young man smiling at you!

    Great news so far & it will keep getting better!
    Vic & Darlene

  3. glad to hear it was the best outcome possible ... i am sure it is scary to see him with all the tubes ... prayers and thoughts are still with you guys

    wendy, brian and kids

  4. Chantal and Family5 December 2011 at 11:04

    we are glad to mark and james are still in our thoughts and prayers


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